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- Remember – networking is all about building relationships, not about a hard sell
- If possible, find out who is going to the event in advance and decide who you want to meet
- Arrive early
- Go with a purpose
- Act as the host not the guest
- Ask people about themselves
- Listen, show an interest
- Introduce yourself effectively (practice in advance)
- Remember to tell everyone you network with your business name
- Sell the “sizzle” not the sausage
- Carry a large stock of business cards, try to give everyone you meet one
- A good way to exchange business cards is to ask for one first, and then offer yours, it shows you are interested in what they do
- Make sure you get a business card from everyone you meet
- Have a pen handy – write notes
- Wear a name tag if these are provided – right hand side
- Talk to one person at a time
- Give a lead or referral where possible
- Wrap up the conversation gracefully & move on
- Stay 15 minutes after the event
- Afterwards, record the names of new contacts in a contacts list
- Never throw out the business cards you are given – you never know when you are going to need a contact until you need them!
- Follow up … but don’t over promise
- Pace yourself