WIE Digital Women Entrepreneurs – Enterprise Week 2015!
During Enterprise week 2015 Women In Enterprise are taking part in a panel session debating the role and challenges for women as creative/digital entrepreneurs.
Women in Enterprise Invite you to take part in Enterprise Week 2015!

Enterprise Week 2015!
Enterprise Week 2015 is Here!!
Starting on Mon 23rd - Fri 27th of Feb, organised by Derry City Council’s Business Opportunities Team, with support from Invest Northern Ireland through the European Regional Development Fund, the five day agenda…

Advanced Charity Awareness Clinic
ALL constituted groups (community, sports, arts, cultural, faith, voluntary etc) will be ‘called forward’ by the Charity Commission soon – so what is your group doing to prepare? If you are not aware of these changes you definitely need…

Assembly Community Connect – Stakeholder Event
The Regional Development Committee is currently undertaking an inquiry into the Coleraine to Londonderry Rail Track Phase Two Project.
As part of this inquiry, Assembly Community Connect will be hosting a stakeholder event
Date: Tuesday…

Next Level Impact Leadership and Management Courses
Leadership and Management Courses that deliver IMPACT
CMI Level 5 Award, Certificate and Diploma now available to eligible candidates through Department for Employment and Learning (DEL)

Craft Development Programme: E-Commerce Workshops 2015
DATE: Tuesday 13 January 2015
VENUE: Thatched Cottage, Craft Village, Derry~Londonderry
The Craft Development Programme in Derry City Council are carrying out a Craft E-commerce Platform…

Employer Support Programme 2015
Noribic Employer support programme
There are 10 spaces available on the Employer Support Programme through NWRC.
This is an innovation development programme which provides 3 days of 'upskilling' for the businesses, for example developing…

Project Alchemy
Project Alchemy - Supporting Small Businesses!
I just wanted to let Women in Enterprise members know Project Alchemy aimed at supporting small businesses. It is run by Coleraine Borough Council and is now open to ANY small business in…

Business Opportunities Programme 2015
Successful Bidding Workshops and Mentoring Programme
Registrations Extended
Increase your chance of winning public sector and private sector tenders. Aimed at private sector businesses and social enterprises, the Business Opportunities Programme…