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Football & Business: Using Sport to Develop a Winning Mind-Set

Charge: Free for Members | £10 + VAT for Non-Members Hosted by Denise Watson, Sports Presenter & Broadcaster, this unique event is brought to you in partnership with The IrishFootball Association. Succeeding in business and succeeding in sport both demand a particular mindset.  There are necessary skills, behaviours and beliefs that will help you increase your […]

Business Lunch with DETI Minister

The new DETI Minister Jonathan Bell will join the Chamber team and membership for discussions over lunch. To register for this event click on the link: www.londonderrychamber.co.uk/events/upcoming-events/business-lunch-with-deti


Eures Jobs Breakfast

The Playhouse Pump St, Derry

The Londonderry Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with Eures Cross Border are hosting a Jobs Breakfast. The event will mainly target anyone from digital/techonology sectors or those from an engineering background. This event is ideal for graduates or anyone who is currently seeking employment in the above fields. CV workshop will be available

Danske Bank North West Business Debate

Great Hall University of Ulster, Magee, Derry- Londonderry

The Londonderry Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with our corporate partner, Danske Bank, is hosting an economic roundtable debate on the role of the North West in delivering economic prosperity to Northern Ireland.  Angela McGowan, Chief Economist at Danske Bank will outline the context of the debate and she will host a lively interactive debate […]


Meet the Member Lunch

Northern Ireland Science Park Bay Road, Derry

Meet the Member Lunchtime Event Our 'Welcome' to Women in Enterprise lunch time event is the perfect opportunity to come along, network with other members and find out about all the exciting things that are happening in the coming months. As this year we have had an exciting membership collaboration with Women in Business NI, […]


IrishBizParty Conference, Fermanagh

Killyhevlin Hotel Enniskillen

The hugely popular IrishBizParty conference is back, and this time in Fermanagh! The next conference takes place in The Killyhevlin Hotel on October 14th, and it's sure to be as successful as the other events held throughout the country. These events sell out fast, so be sure to book your ticket early to avoid disappointment. The […]

President’s Annual Dinner

The biggest and most prestigious event of the North West business calendar takes place at the Everglades Hotel again this year. Book your table early to assure your organisation takes its place at the networking event of the year. Visit: www.londonderrychamber.co.uk/events/presidents-annual-dinner to book early!


Women Beyond Borders

Inishowen Gateway Hotel Railway Road, Buncrana

Women Beyond Borders is a celebration of women, working together, being innovative, being supportive and being successful!

£15 – £20

Women in Business Awards 2015

Culloden Estate & Spa

Charge: Members: £80 + VAT | Non-Members: £100 + VAT (Includes Free Membership) Women in Business is excited to announce our 5th Annual Awards!  Join us in celebrating some Northern Ireland's most successful business women in our most splendid ceremony yet! The glittering event will take place in the Culloden Estate & Spa and will […]

Christmas Event 2015

Warehouse Bistro NO 1 Guildhall St, Derry

Annual Christmas Evening Wed 16th at Warehouse No1 Bistro and Cafe 6.30-9pm So maybe even a bit of time for shopping before or after!! Come along to a relaxed Chrsitmas meet up, unwind & enjoy the delicious food and a glass of Prosecco for only £5. Book online (fee added) or pay at door by pre registering to info@womeninenterprise.biz
