Welcome to our “Good Stories” series where we report on the many wonderful projects and things our members are doing right now. This week, we feature Women in Enterprise Past Chair and Founder/Owner of The Web Club, Patricia Greene, who shares business insights from within a global pandemic…

Patricia Greene, Founder/Owner The Web Club
Lessons from Lockdown – Prevailing with Positivity
When lockdown first hit, Patricia Greene had a moment of panic – as a B2B business, what if her business couldn’t survive with so many businesses closing? Taking a deep breath, she grounded herself and dug into what she says she knows best – “adapt, network, and simply be available to clients and anyone else we can help.”
Patricia’s business is a consultancy specialising in online marketing and website design. She has been in business for over 20-years, served on various boards, and provides mentoring across several council support programmes throughout Northern Ireland. A few years ago, Patricia took all her experience and expertise and created a sub-brand called “The Web Club” – a service focused towards helping women entrepreneurs and businesses whether small/micro or just getting started.

One of Patricia’s website design creations
Her panic didn’t last long. The need for businesses to get themselves online from the onset of the pandemic became instant. She became busier than ever within a few weeks. Patricia found she had to adapt quickly and overcome camera shyness. Meetings online can be much more efficient and productive. Adapting to this change quickly was a positive experience for her clients both new and old.

Zoom meetings & networking took off to a whole new level
In keeping with her ethos of helping business owners, Patricia made herself available to provide support quickly to help during Covid. She provided pro-bono services and published her calendar online so that one could easily book a quick strategy session. “Sometimes, just talking ideas out helps to see a path forward.” She also provided free online workshops to help with SEO, online marketing and analytics.

Patricia’s workshops adapted for online
So, throughout the lockdown, why did Patricia’s business grow? She says “it grew because I had already been marketing and networking offline & online prior to lockdown. It was like everything just went a whole lot deeper. Zoom calls are pretty intense, but you get to meet more new people.”

Patricia continues working with Women in Enterprise and other networks. Networking remains key to business visibility and growth.
Patricia says the lessons she learned during lockdown are be ready to adapt, think positively, respond to every opportunity and think outside the box (even with a house full 24/7 of hungry young adult kids and lots of activity!). Mostly, however, prepare your business – get online and start raising your business profile so whatever happens in the future, you have a strong online presence and are fully ready to serve your customers no matter what.”
To learn more about or avail of Patricia’s website design services, or to book a free strategy call about online marketing, visit: http://www.thewebclub.ie or reach her directly at +44(0)7749407634 or patricia@thewebclub.ie.
If you are working on a project right now that you feel is a Good Story, contact us and potentially have your story featured on our e-mailers and social media. Now more than ever, we need the refreshment and inspiration of a Good Story.
Email your Good Story to info@womeninenterprise.biz
We look forward to hearing from you!